Jade plant

Jade plant: A Lucky Arboreal

Are you familiar with the flowering household succulent plant of striking features? This plant of captivating appearance and resilient nature is popular among the house plants with the name of Jade Plant having the scientific name of crassula ovata.

It is a beloved indoor plant because of its versatile nature. Its distinctive appearance and symbolic value have made it, a precious plant across various cultures and opted as a popular choice for both novice and seasoned garden.

Nature and origin

It is worldwide famous plant which has its origin of South Africa. It’s an evergreen shrub belongs to the kingdom Plantae and its family name is Crassulaceae. This plant of crassula genus is characterized with a woody stem and have oval shaped thick fleshy leaves.


Jade plant; a beautiful and flowering succulent is used for beautifying the houses and offices across the globe. It is well famous, because of its resilient nature, low maintenance, easy propagation and alluring appearance.

It is a type of charming arboreal that symbolizes luck and have a range of health benefits. It is a green marvel and delightful addition to our indoor spaces so, it should be planted with love and care.

Symbolical importance of Crassula ovata

It is a symbolical plant. It is believed that placing it on the threshold of the home or business is good omen in inviting financial success.

Physical properties of crassula ovata

First and foremost, characteristics of this plant is it’s beautiful and charming appearance. Its glossy oval shaped leaves grow in tree like structure. These leaves which range in colour from deep green to the shade of jade and even a red tinged hues when exposed to ample sunlight store water making the plant well suited for acrid conditions and periods of drought.

Cultural significance

It holds cultural significance in different societies. In Chinese culture it is commonly referred as a money plant or money tree due to its round coin like leaves; symbolizing the wealth, prosperity and good fortune.

How to care jade plant

It is an easy growing succulent plant and requires minimal care. It has well growing ability in the container so, it is a super choice for the beginners of green journey. It thrives in well drainage soil preferring infrequent deep watering sessions to prevent root rot.

It gives faint sweet smell. Almost 4 hours of direct sunlight is sufficient for its proper growth, it can also survive on bright indirect sunlight light but the freezing condition killed it.

Where jade plant should be placed

It can be placed in window where; it can get bright indirect sunlight. If you want to place it out door then place it for about 4 to 5 hours in front of direct sunlight. If you want to place it indoor then your south facing or your west facing window is ideal for it. Suitable temperature for its survival is from 65° f to 75° f.

Propagation of jade plant

Propagation of this plant is a child’s play, if you want to get the joy of its sharing with your dear ones. In summer, which is the best time for its propagation, you can propagate it by clipping of its stem or even by stray leaves.

By putting 02- to- 03 inches cutting off stem or leaves into 04-to-06-inch container full of desired soil, with proper care and watering of several days you will see the buddings or mealies of unique colours with opposing pairs of leave. Repotting of soil for the smaller plants should be done after o2 to 03 years and for larger plants, it should be done after 04 to 5 years.

Growth and lifespan of crassula ovata

It is a plant of slow growth. If you will use desired soil of natural pH and water it and care it properly with controlled released fertilizer in a required container, it will survive up to 70 years. Its growth is not rapid but it grows slowly up to 02 inch in a year.

Benefits of jade plant

  • It removes toxins and purify the indoor air.
  • Its presence in living or working place is a valuable addition.
  • It reduces stress and promotes sense of well-being.
  • It contributes to healthier lifestyle by improving mood.
  • It is a symbol of luck and growth.
  • It is a plant of attractive features and best for decoration.
  • Its cultivation and growing is not a Herculean task.


To conclude the jade plant; a cherished and meaningful addition to homes, workplaces and gardens. A plant of resilient nature, cultural and symbolical significance and health benefits. It is an excellent choice that is more than a decorative house plant. This plant of luck and growth may bring luck in the whole world.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Its watering depends on the environment, actually it prefers less water and infrequent watering is good for it but you will observe the soil and water it when the soil is dry.

Yes, it’s leaves are mildly toxic to pets especially for cats and dogs.

Yes, you can place it, not only for the whole day but also for 04 hours otherwise it’s leaves will burn. Bright indirect or filtered sunlight is enough for it.

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