Pothos Plant

Pothos Plant: A Guide for Green journey

Why is pothes plant highly recommended for the beginners of green journey? Botanically it is called Epipremnum aureum, has the reputation for being the easiest to take care of. Known for its resilient nature, it is greatly recommended for beginners embarking on their journey of flourishing houseplants.

Due to the versatile nature, it has the ability to survive in different light conditions even in drought-like conditions in winter. With bright and green vibrant heart shaped leaves, this devil’s ivy adds a touch of elegance in your living space, making it the widely loved houseplant.

Its undemanding and purification properties add to its aesthetic appeal. According to research by NASA, these indoor plants are a natural source of air purification and removing pollutants such as benzene, xylene, toluene, and carbon monoxide.

Importance of Money Plant

It is flowering plant also known as money plant. According to studies, merely touching the leaves of Epipremnum aureum can have soothing and calming effects on humans. It is regarded as a symbol of good luck, according to Feng Shui experts. It is going to be a great addition to your indoor gardens if you do not have one already.

It is useful in eliminating Odors and removing eye irritation.it is found in China, Indian subcontinents, Australia, South Africa and Southeast Asia. It is also known as Devil’s ivy because it is not easy to kill it.  

In this article, we will explore some of the most useful tips about how to take care of the plant to keep it alive and stable for a longer period. But before we unveil the secrets of care guidance for this silver vine, let’s first dive into the process of propagating the money plant.

How to Propagate Pothos Plant?

There are two methods to propagate taro vine, the 1st is cultivating in water and the second one is to foster it in soil. You can choose any of them to propagate your plant. These wonderful, hassle-free, plants are something that anyone can grow easily with a simple unambiguous process.

The ideal time to propagate a money plant is in the growing season (that is in summer or spring). Cultivating in water is the easiest and top choice for beginners. You just need to simply take the cuttings of your plant and place it in the glass of water.

Keep the water in suitable sunlight and temperatures as we will discuss it next. Remember, it is important to change the water of your glass after a few days to avoid the harmful effects of bacteria. Developing of roots will take a few weeks, after the developing of roots, you should carefully place your freshly rooted saplings in the potting mixture.  

For propagating the plant in soil, you will simply take a healthy stem from the parent plant and place it directly into the fresh potting mixture. Thoroughly water the soil, place the mixture in indirect sunlight and wait for the emergence of fresh saplings.

Plant Care Guide of pothos plant

Which soil is the requirement of money plant?

The devil’s ivy is known for their ability to survive in various conditions which makes them a favourite option for beginners. But a good quality of soil is important for better growth and overall stability of your plant.

A nutrient rich and balanced soil mix with proper drainage channels is perfect for your golden pothos to thrive. A recipe including the following ingredients will be a perfect balance for taro vine.

  • Pertile
  • Coarse sand
  • Coconut Coir
  • Orchid bark
  • Horticultural Charcoal
  • Earthworm Castings
  • Coffee grounds
  • Pine Bark
  • Synthetic Fertilizer or Fish Emulsion

Mix all of the above-mentioned ingredients thoroughly for a well-balanced mixture. The pH level preferred for the money plant soil mixture is slightly acidic ranging from about 6.1 to 6.5.

How much sunlight does a Money plant need?

Money plant usually need medium to bright sunlight to flourish healthy and happily.

If you want to grow your devil’s ivy outdoors, a partially shaded area will be suitable. You can keep it in hanging pots or under the shadow of a tree where it can reach appropriate filtered sunlight through the canopy of leaves.

An ideal light for this silver vine would be bright indirect sunlight for about 9 hours daily.

And if you want to grow your plant indoors, the area which is about five to six feet away from the window of your living space will be a perfect place for growing your money plant.

But be careful that you do not place your plant in windows where sunlight is too intense as it can burn the leaves of your houseplant.

How often should you water a Money Plant?

The frequency of watering your houseplant may vary depending upon the conditions such as environment, temperature, humidity, size of basket or pot, and quality of soil. Usually when the top 2.5cm of the soil gets dry it is a sign to water the plant. 

On average, money plant requires watering every one to two weeks, a gap between is important to allow soil to dry out. In warm conditions or summer season, Epipremnum aureum may need more water than the cooler conditions.

You will need to adapt your timetable accordingly. Remember overwatering may lead to the yellow leaves and black stems, while inadequate availability of water can cause the plant to become limp and dry out. Drainage pots are recommended to avoid watering issues as they prevent excess water from building at the bottom and harming the plant.

Do Money plant need humidity?

Soloman Islands Ivy is adaptable to various humidity ranges. Usually, it can survive in average humidity phases and does not need high maintenance. Humidity levels between 50 to 70 percent are suitable and in terms of temperature, 18 to 30 degrees is considered ideal for the proper growth of money plant.

Although it is not strictly recommended, maintaining adequate humidity levels can add to the healthy and lush leaves. It can even prevent the pothos from issues like the brown leaf margins.

In the winter season, when heating systems in your living space may lead to the reduction of humidity, you may need to maintain the humidity level accordingly. Arranging water near the plant, spraying a fine mist, or using a humidifier can help you in this regard.

What temperature does a money plant prefer?

When it comes to temperature, golden plant prefers an ideal temperature of 65-85°F (which is 18-30 degrees Celsius). It is optimal for their healthy growth and overall stability.

Maintaining an appropriate temperature provides them with an environment to survive. Make sure to prevent them from too intense or too cold temperature as it can sabotage your money plant.

Freezing temperatures can cause the leaves to turn yellow and can also lead to the stunted growth of your houseplant. On the other hand, high temperatures can lead to the killing of your plant.

If you notice any such changes in your pothos it’s better to consider moving it to an optimal temperature where it can flourish properly.

When and how to fertilize money plant?

Feeding nutrients to your silver vine is important to boost its growth. But it is not necessary for the first six months, if you have chosen good quality soil which is nutrient rich and well balanced.

However, after 6 months, when the soil becomes depleted, fertilization is an important step for the proper nourishment of your house plant.

Coming to the kind of fertilization required, as such no specific plant enricher is necessary. General purpose fertilization of good quality will work. Usually, water soluble fertilizers and slow-release fertilizers are used.

Feed your plant fertilizers in the season of summer or spring when it is actively growing. 

Why does the pothos plant turn yellow?

There are many factors that can harm your houseplant and turn its leaves, yellow such as improper light, excessive watering, and irregular humidity. Excess amount of water is one of the most common reasons for your plant turning yellow. It is important to water your plant adequately after 1 or 2 weeks or when the soil surface starts getting dry.

Ensure a consistent ground hydration for the well-being and proper nourishment of your plant. Abnormal humidity levels are another major reason for causing the tips of the leaves turning brown or drooping and later becoming yellow.

Direct sunlight or very low light both are harmful for the growth of your house plant. Intense heat can burn the leaves while lack of lightning can also cause them to turn yellow.

Are pothos plants safe for pets?

In spite of its popular choice, taro vine is unfavourable for pets.  According to ASPCA, if pets like cats or dogs or any other animal ingest parts of devil’s ivy, it can cause irritation and gastrointestinal disorders.

It contains calcium oxalate crystals that are harmful for pets. So, the owners need to be keen and alert. Place this silver vine aways from the reach of animals to prevent sudden absorption.


To cap it all, excelling at how to care for a pothos plant requires attention to watering, balanced soil, proper sunlight, adequate humidity ranges, fertilization, and suitable temperature. Understanding the reasons for pothos turning yellow or brown can help you prevent your plant from this yellowish problem.

It is important to note while silver vine is favorite of many people due to its resilient and undemanding nature, it is harmful for your pets. Appropriate care will not only foster the growth of your indoor plant but will also help them to flourish.

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